101 Devotionals for Boys from the Lives of Great Christians and 101 Devotionals for Girls from the Lives of Great Christians will both be published in 2017. We’re publishing one or two devotionals a week to give you a taste of what you’ll get in those two gift books. This one is based on a story from Lights in a Dark Place: True Stories of God at Work in Colombia (Hidden Heroes #5).
The country of Colombia was overrun with Communist revolutionaries—people who lived as outlaws, stealing and killing. Sometimes Russell Stendal flew his airplane over the jungles where they had their hideouts. “God, make a way for them to hear the gospel,” he prayed.
Then Russell was kidnapped by some of these revolutionaries. “I’ve got to escape,” he thought. “I need to be rescued.”
What about your kidnappers? God said. Don’t they need to be rescued? They’ve been taken prisoner in a different way. They don’t know how to escape.
Russell realized God had brought him right to the people who needed to hear the gospel. His prayer was being answered.
What a way for God to answer prayer! Maybe sometimes some circumstances of yours seem very difficult, but you might not realize that this might be the way God is going to do a great work and answer a prayer of your heart.
“And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried. For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you.” ~Luke 12:29-31
Lord Jesus, sometimes the circumstances Your children are in look really hard. Help me to know that You’re accomplishing something good all the time, as long as I trust You and live for You.
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