To contact Rebecca about the Hidden Heroes books, her Author Events, the Educator Resources or anything else related to this series of true missionary stories, you can email her at
Autographed copies of books cost $8.00 each, with a shipping and handling charge of $3.00 for the first book (in the continental U.S.), substantially less for additional books. Contact the above email address for details.
Wrting these missionary books is like going on a treasure hunt. If you know of any treasure in the form of little-known missionary stories that bring glory to God in line with the philosophy of these books, please do send a note.
Each time a manuscript is completed, we look for reader families and teachers who will be willing to read the book aloud to a group of children to help figure out where the book could be made better. If you join us on the Hidden Heroes Missionary Stories page on Facebook, you can be alerted when the call goes out for readers. Those who give helpful revision suggestions will win a copy of the book when it goes into print.