As a member of the South Carolina Storytelling Network, Rebecca loves to tell stories, especially about the great works of God so that many more people can be inspired to believe in, to trust in, this mighty Savior. These days, the stories Rebecca is eager to tell are taken from her new series of books, Hidden Heroes, about the great works of God around the world.
Click here to view a slideshow version of one of the stories she tells, in the Facebook photo album “Storytelling Event at North Hills Community Church.” Another storytelling event is recorded in the blog post “Storytelling the Peace Child for a New Generation.”
For more information about availability, preparation, scheduling, and nominal fees, visit the page Hosting an Author Event and email Rebecca at
Here’s What They Said . . .
“You did an incredible job in chapel. I heard so many wonderful things about your classroom visits! We would love to have you back!!!” ~Scott Crede, Head of Schools, Northside Christian Academy
“The kids seemed to be entranced. After listening to the story, the first words that came from my mouth were ‘Wow…. How cool was THAT?!?!’ God is making His name famous in the earth, and He’s using missionaries in Africa and writers in Greenville to get the job done. What an exciting way for Him to use the writing and storytelling talents that He has given to Mrs. Davis for His own glory.” ~Sam Murphy, sixth-grade teacher, Hampton Park Christian School
“Rebecca Davis tells incredible true stories of missionaries. Her gift of storytelling and her life experiences are such an encouragement to our faith. I believe that God will use her stories to plant seeds in the hearts of the children to be great missionaries for Christ.” ~Michelle Brewer, Assistant Head of Schools, Northside Christian Academy
“My kids were all excited to see, hear, and meet Rebecca. They loved having her come to the classroom to deliver books and answer questions. Several who bought books started them as soon as they had a free minute. They were already looking forward to starting the second one in class today today. We all are eager to see God’s amazing work in this one!” ~Cindy Mann, third-grade teacher, Greenville Classical Academy
“The students were captivated by Rebecca Davis’s presentation of her latest Christian book, With Two Hands. It was a wonderful way of helping students realize the God of the Bible is the same miracle working God we serve today. This true story of God working in the missionary’s life made the Bible come alive!” ~Cathy Self, Hampton Park Christian School, SCACS Upstate Elementary Fine Arts Director
One of our ten year old boys (who is reading With Two Hands) asked his mom and dad if he could talk to them. He said that when friends ask him if he’s a Christian he always says “yes.” But he wanted to know what he needed to do to really mean it. So his mom and dad talked with him and he claimed Jesus as his savior. I truly believe that [your storytelling] on Sunday evening led him to think about this and led him to understand his need to make a confession of his faith in our Lord Jesus. How wonderful to see and hear of seeds we plant bear fruit. ~Ellen Turner, Children’s Ministry Director, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC
“Thank you! Thank you, thank you. Your ministry for the children [a presentation about the life of Fanny Crosby] this past Sunday was right on target—and I am sure that your interactions with the children are the most rewarding appreciation that you could possibly receive. Praise the Lord!” ~Ross Robinson, pastor, North Hills Community Church
“That’s so amazing how God saved the Christians! That’s one of the ways God shows his power!” ~Kayla, age 11
“It was exciting when the soldier pointed his gun at the missionary and he couldn’t pull the trigger!” ~Aaron, age 11
“I loved how you put so much emotion into it!” ~Catherine, age 13
“That was awesome!” ~Julie, age 11