101 Devotionals for Boys from the Lives of Great Christians and 101 Devotionals for Girls from the Lives of Great Christians will both be published in 2017. We’re publishing one or two devotionals a week to give you a taste of what you’ll get in those two gift books. This one is based on a story from The Good News Must Go Out: True Stories of God at Work in the Central African Republic (Hidden Heroes #2).
Mako never did learn to read. But he longed to take the gospel to the people of his native village in Africa, so he memorized the book of John and set out.
“I have great news!” he cried. “You no longer have to be enslaved to the spirits! The great God has sent One to free you!”
Mako repeated the entire gospel of John over and over. Some of the people listened and began to memorize it as well. One after another they fell on their faces before the true and living God, confessing their sins and claiming Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
You don’t have to be highly educated to tell others about Jesus. The most important thing you need is a real relationship with Jesus yourself. You have to know, not just in your head but in your whole being, that He really is the Savior, that He’s your Savior, and that He is the hope of the whole world.
Jesus said, “Blessed … are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” ~Luke 11:28
Thank You, Lord God, that Your Word shows us the way of life. Help me to hear the word of God, and keep it.
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