101 Devotionals for Boys from the Lives of Great Christians and 101 Devotionals for Girls from the Lives of Great Christians will both be published in 2017. We’re publishing one or two devotionals a week to give you a taste of what you’ll get in those two gift books. This one is based on a story from With Two Hands: Stories of God at Work in Ethiopia (Hidden Heroes #1).
Many Christians were imprisoned for their faith in Ethiopia. But for some reason, God chose for the evangelist Nana to be invisible to the policemen. The guards didn’t even see him when he took food and Scriptures to the prisoners.
Nana and the imprisoned Christians were both puzzled. But that’s the way God did it.
Does that seem unfair? We can’t always understand the ways of God, but we can know that God has different jobs for different Christ-followers. He may call some to suffer for Him and call others to work for Him. What’s more, God’s call might change. Later in his life, Nana served God from inside a prison. Other Christians were freed, and some were never imprisoned at all.
If you’re struggling, thinking God is unfair to you, remember God loves you and cares about you. He has a good plan. Your story isn’t over, and the one writing it is the best Author in the world.
“In [your salvation] you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials.” ~I Peter 1:6
Thank You, God, that You always have a good plan. Help me to trust You with Your good plan, even when life seems unfair.
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