101 Devotionals for Boys from the Lives of Great Christians and 101 Devotionals for Girls from the Lives of Great Christians will both be published in 2017. We’re publishing one or two devotionals a week to give you a taste of what you’ll get in those two gift books. This one is based on a story from George Mueller: Pickpocket to Praying Provider (Potter’s Wheel series #3).
George Mueller began to feel guilty about all the bad things he was doing studying to become a pastor. “I’ll stop stealing, cheating, lying, and getting drunk,” he promised himself. “I’ll become a better person.”
For a few days he did. Then it seemed too hard to be good, and he fell into his old sinful habits.
Then he tried again. Then he slid back down again. Try again. Slide down again.
Has your life ever felt like that? Have you ever tried to stop a certain, but then you go back to it? That’s the life Paul talked about in Romans 7:19.
“I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.”
But Romans 8:4 says that the righteousness of the law can be fulfilled in those
“who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
George Mueller eventually found this out. He trusted in Christ and had victory over his sin. You can too.
Heavenly Father, thank You that through the power of the Holy Spirit, I can have victory over my sin. Help me to keep trusting You for that victory.
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