101 Devotionals for Boys from the Lives of Great Christians and 101 Devotionals for Girls from the Lives of Great Christians will both be published in 2017. We’re publishing one or two devotionals a week to give you a taste of what you’ll get in those two gift books. This one is based on a story from Return of the White Book: True Stories of God at Work in Southeast Asia (Hidden Heroes #4).
Thabew was a new Christian when he became a missionary to his own people, the Karens. He had only just been baptized, and he had almost no training. But he knew that the long-lost hope of the Karens was near, that Yuwah had returned to them, and that Jesus Christ was the answer. He was glad to give his whole life for this important purpose.
God can use anyone who is willing to be used by Him. Though education can be a very good thing, what God wants most is a heart that is wholly devoted to Him.
“I understand you only a little,” one of the Karens said to George Boardman, the American missionary. “But I understand Thabew perfectly.” Thabew was such an important messenger to His own people that he became known as the Karen Apostle.
Even now, if your life is devoted to God, God can use you. Trust Him to work in you through the power of His Spirit.
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” ~Romans 12:1-2
Thank You, God, that You are pleased to use anyone whose life is dedicated to You! Help me to offer myself to You for You to use me in Your good work.
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