My project for December has been to finish writing and to publish a biography of Joy Ridderhof. (The research was done while six children and young people were living with us for a couple of weeks, and the writing began while we had four young people living with us over Thanksgiving break. Don’t know why those seem like my best times for work.)
Joy Ridderhof started the revolutionary work of making audio recordings of the gospel story in the days when voice recording was very new. She traveled the world recording the gospel in hundreds of languages of remote tribes. Today, the work that she has begun, now called Global Recordings, has recorded the gospel story in over six thousand languages.
I’ve blogged about Joy Ridderhof before. But researching her this fall has been—as my research of Christian heroes always is—extremely inspiring and encouraging. Her rejoicing in the midst of hardships of all kinds has served as an example to me. The hardest of hardships she called Good Rejoicing Practice, or GRP.
I love the work that I do. I love writing about great heroes of the faith in a way that is accessible for children, that adults can enjoy too. It never fails to uplift me. I hope that many people will read and benefit from Christian biographies, not just the ones I write, but the many that have been written. They are the “Christian life books” lived out in the trenches.
Joy Ridderhof: Voice Catcher Around the World will be the second in the Potter’s Wheel series of biographies for young children (“showing children the Master Potter at work”). I would love for it to ready in time for Christmas. But we’ll see. And I’ll rejoice, no matter what!
UPDATE: This blog post tells about the arrival of the Joy Ridderhof biography–a couple of months behind the schedule I would have preferred, but here nevertheless!
I am with global recordings network and would like to know if your book is available
I heard Miss Ridderhof speak, when I was a student at Columbia Bible College (Columbia International University). I am a missionary serving in Brazil and have on my desk, one of Miss Ridderhof´s cardboard record players. Her life shows what can be done, through one person, when they give themselves to the Lord.
Very exciting! Glad to hear it. The biography is finished, and is available at Amazon, here:
I’d love to know when your book comes out about joy ridderhof! I grew up hearing my parents n friends talking about God answering prayer and God’s work in their lives… and I love hearing and telling of what God is doingThanks!
Lori, as you can see from the update above and the link in the comments, the biography of Joy Ridderhof was published in February of 2015. You can read a sample chapter of the book here: